New Challenge (4/26/06) – Silhouette
You have all seen them...those popular Apple iPod ads?...How about the classic silhouette profile vignettes? Well, now it is your turn to create your own silhouette masterpiece! Using your own images, create a final piece that includes some kind of high-contrast silhouette. Perhaps you want to create an advertisement similar to iPod...or, how about a fun birth announcement...maybe you want to put a vignette of a couple into a sunset image? Be creative, and see what you can come up with!
If you have never done a silhouette, check out these various Photoshop tutorial sites that give different techniques in creating a silhouette:
Photoshop Tutorial by Jennifer Apple
Adobe Photoshop Tip: Attack of the iPod People
Creating Sunsets with Silhouettes Photoshop Tutorial
by Tommy Maloney
Easy Two Tone Silhouette Photoshop Tutorial
by Tommy Maloney
Once you complete your image and place it on your blog, come back here and comment to this post with a link to your blog for all to see! Don't forget, you have a week to complete this challenge. A new challenge will be posted on Wednesday, May 3, 2006. Good luck!...and, have fun!
I've just done one, my very first, thankyou for setting the challenge and making it so easy. I'm really chuffed and now I want my family to come home so I can show them...
Judy x
Thanks Judy for checking out the challenge! I can't wait to see your finished piece!
Here is mine! I had a lot of fun with this!
Just Because³
Cool pics you two!
I saw this photoshop challenge mentioned (by Judy) in an art group I'm in. Here's mine - it was fun to do!:D (thanks txartcgal for coming up with this challenge!)
katat0nik's silhouette
so much fun, thank you for hosting this! Still trying to figure out how to depixelate the edges ...hmmm
And here's my take on this weeks theme:
I finally completed this one! I did find it to be a challenge this time!! I do like the completed product though. Looking forward to the new one!
Thank you all for doing the challenge! I do hope that you come back for more!
Are we allowed to post to the old challenges? It says we have a week but I just discovered thsi blog today.
I posted a silhouette picture:
I took this the night before last on a camping trip and played with it on photoshop.
great post!
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