Sad to say...
Please look for more to come in the fall...and, don't stop playing and becoming more familiar with Photoshop and the neat things you can do with this wonderful application.
Also, check out my Photoshop blog from time to time, Just BecauseĀ³...I am planning on putting up more tutorials (similar to the two I put up there for the text challenge), maybe you can learn something new!
Thank you to those that participate...and, see you in the fall!
Blog Owner and Challenge Creator
I'm sorry to hear this. I wish I had more time to dedicate to this site. You have provided some great tutorials for someone starting out new to the program. Thanks for that and I hope that come fall, I will be able to participate more.
Take care and have a great summer!
Bummer! I'll miss the challenges, but summer is a hard time for everyone with vacations and such! I'll definitely be back in the fall! I've learned a lot with your challenges!
sad to see you go since I really learned alot from them...hope to see you after the summer...Thank you for you patience with the few that came...
Have a great summer. Thanks for the challeges.
excellent blog and i will be adding a link to this at my store Adobe CS2 Photo
Shop if thats ok with you. its a good source and link that would fit in nice with my adobe store :-)
Please come back!
Well we need to get this challenge going again and if you'd like Im sure everyone that participates can help advertise it for you.
I would be willing to do so.
I've been swamped, hope things clear up and I can play along, I keep WANTING to.
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