Wednesday, May 31, 2006

New Challenge (5/31/06) – Spherical Design

This week's challenge is to create an original design into a sphere of your choice. You can create a glass org, a snowglobe, a bubble...whatever you wish! However, the end result MUST look like a 3D sphere!

Here are some examples of creations I have done in the past:

Here are some tutorials to get you started!

Here is how I created the Sunlower Sphere image above:
  1. After duplicating my first layer...I used the ellipse selection tool to create a perfect circle around the part of the image I wanted to be inside the sphere/globe. To make a perfect circle, hold down the SHIFT key when clicking and dragging.
  2. I then used the Distort Filter, Spherize, at 100% on the normal mode.
    After the sphere was creating, I simply added highlights using different lens flare filters.
  3. I added more highlights by using the dodge and burn tools (Highlights Range on the Dodge and Midtones Range on the Burn). The dodge was used to brighten up areas, and the burn was used to darken.
  4. Just try to visualize what a true bubble or glass orb would look like when you add in your highlights. Also, remember to darken the edges with the burn tool to give it a better 3D effect. Add any other highlights you wish to create the effect you are trying to reach.

Have fun with this, and see what unique creations you can come up with! Have a great week!

Painting/Line Art Challenge Results

Here are the results for last week's challenge! As you can see, we had some neat entries...and all different! Great job everybody!

By Trisha

By Andydoodler

My Mary Stebbins

Late entry for Silhouette by Mary Stebbins

We didn't get many entries this week! Hopefully things will pick up. Don't forget, if you have an idea of what you would like to learn, play with, or improve on...let me know! I'm always open for suggestions! Also, if you don't see your entry here, please let me know so I can add it! Thank you! Have a great week!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

New Challenge (5/24/06) – Painting/Line Art Challenge

This week's challenge is to get your creative juices flowing by only using the painting and drawing capabilities in Adobe Photoshop. You may draw shapes, create brushes, make paths, etc...BUT, you may not use a photograph of any kind. You also MUST use the provided images to come up with your unique design. You don't have to use all of the images...but, you must use at least one. Sound restrictive? This is the challenge! :)

Here is an example of an image I created awhile back. The only provided image was the black silhouette line art image.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Here are the images in .png format you are to use (click on the image to get a bigger image to download). You may recolor them, add to them, and take some away. Be creative, and see what you can come up with! :)

Have fun, and I can't wait to see what everybody comes up with!

Edited to add!

I see some people may never have painted in, here are some online tutorials to help you get started!

Digital Sketching by Al's Photoshop Tutorial

Drawing a Path by Spoono

Painting in Photoshop by Conceptoo

Creating Custom Shapes by F. P. S.

Hand Drawn Look Using a Custom Shape by Solidoxygen

Creating Custom Brushes by Spoono

Fixer Upper Results

Here are the results for last week's challenge, "Fixer Upper!" Everybody's turned out great! I enjoyed seeing the creations...and, I hope those that are visiting also have enjoyed them. Thank you all for participating!

By Andy Doodles

By Lou

By Tammy

By Trisha

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

New Challenge (5/17/06) – Fixer Upper

Are you ready for a REAL challenge? This challenge calls for you to refurbish, reconstruct, redo a house in desperate need of a makeover (move over Ty Pennington!). This is going to take a lot of ingenuity and creativity on your part, and a lot of patience. Using the photo provided (or if you have one of your own), fix up the house, including landscaping, to make it look as realistic as possible (or not...depending on the look you are trying to go for!). Pay attention to shadows, lighting, and the little things that may make a difference. Add in as many "extras" as you like (Google is my friend)...just have fun and be creative!

Click on the above Image for a larger picture to download!

Here is an example of an image I had done previously:

If you don't wish to use the photo provided above, you may use your own photo...or, feel free to do as many as you wish, including the example I had done previously.

Once you complete your image and place it on your blog, come back here and comment to this post with a link to your blog for all to see! Don't forget, you have a week to complete this challenge. A new challenge will be posted on Wednesday, May 24, 2006. Good luck!...and, have fun!


Tattoo Results

Here are the results for last week's challenge, tattoo! They turned out great! Thank you all for participating!

By Andy

By Trisha

By Necy

By Tammy

By Tammy

By Krista

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

New Challenge (5/10/06) – Tattoo

This week we are going to give somebody a tattoo...without using needles! Perhaps you wish to give yourself a tattoo of Tweety Bird...or you wish to give your spouse a tattoo you have fantasized about for years. Now is your chance! Using your own images, see how creative you can be! I also have uploaded an image of a very muscular young man if you don't have one of your own!

As far as the tattoo? Perhaps you wish to use a photo you already have, create a vector image in Illustrator or Photoshop, or use a dingbat font if you aren't an artistic type.

If you are unsure how to go about creating a are several websites with some helpful tutorials.
Here is an image to use if you don't have your own:

Have fun!

Colorization Results

This week only a few of us completed the challenge! Congrats everybody! The results are fantastic! Tammy even went one step further and did the challenge with one of her own photos...the results looks great!

Here are the results!

By Tammy

By Tammy

By Collin
By Trisha

By Lou

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

New Challenge (5/3/06) – Colorization

Colorizing photos can be fun and creative! You can turn a faded photo or a grayscale photo into a wonderful colored photo using whatever colors you wish! You may want to just add color to a portion of the image, or the entire image...wherever your heart takes you.

Here is an example of a project I did awhile ago colorizing some flowers:



Now it is your turn! Colorize the following photo (click on it to get a larger image):

If you have never colorized a photo before, check out these tutorials to get you started:

Absolute Cross



If you don't wish to use the photo provided above, you may use your own photo...or, feel free to do as many as you wish.

Once you complete your image and place it on your blog, come back here and comment to this post with a link to your blog for all to see! Don't forget, you have a week to complete this challenge. A new challenge will be posted on Wednesday, May 10, 2006. Good luck!...and, have fun!


Silhouette Results

Everybody did a great job on the silhouette challenge! Each are original and fun! Hopefully you learned a new technique you can use from time to time!

Here are the wonderful results:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

By Krista

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

By Tammy

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

By Katat0nik

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

By Tanya

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

By Collin

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

By Trisha

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

By Judy